Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The effects of lifestyle of sports performers on sports performance

The effects of lifestyle of sports performers on sports performance

Different effectors can stop athletes from performing to the top of their standards. These effectors are alcohol, diet, sleep patterns and culture. All athletes need to keep of these effectors to make sure that they perform well in the sport their performing in.


Alcohol will effect how athletes perform because it will make them feel dizzy, loss of motor control, reduced ability to make decisions and reduced perception of movement. As you consume more alcohol, these effects can become worser, leading to breathlessness, swelling of the legs, muscular fatigue, an increase in body weight, joint problems, liver damage and heart failure.
For example if a gymnast was about to perform on high beams and they consumed alcohol the day before, they may lose control of their hand movements and fall off the beams. This can result in long term injuries to the athlete which can also mean that they won’t be able to perform in that sport again. Alcohol may be used for when you are performing in archery because it can slow down your reactions. However alcohol is very dangerous to use in most sports because performers can hurt other players. For example if you are a formula 1 driver and you consumed alcohol the day before, you can seriously injure other drivers because you may have crashed into other drivers.


The diet of an athlete is the most important for performing well in sport. They have to make sure that they consume the right food that can contain Protein, Carbohydrates, fats, water, fibre, vitamin, water. Protein will be used in an athlete’s diet to help them repair any muscle damage they may have taken during training. The carbohydrates in diet will allow you to have instant energy. For example football players will have pasta on the day before a game to allow their body to take in the carbohydrates and turn it into energy. Fats provide more energy than carbohydrates and protein, producing more than double the calories. Fats can help with absorption of vitamins, body temperature, brain growth and they are also the main source of energy for cell function. Athletes will have to be careful though because they will need to eat the correct fats and make sure that they don’t eat a lot. Saturated fats can be harmful to your health if you want to stay fit. Foods in this category are meats, dairy products, cakes, pastries and confectionary. Athletes are allowed to have saturated fats but only small amounts. Water needs to be consumed a lot through an athlete’s diet because it prevents dehydration. Water also helps with cell function, maintaining body temperature, transportation of nutrients and movement of the blood, removal of waste products and lubrication of joints. Water can be found in fruits and vegetables. Fibres in diet are used to maintain the function of the gut. Fibre is also rich in carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals can also be found in fruit and vegetables. Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A can be found in eggs, milk and carrots. Vitamin E can be found whole grains and egg yolks. There are many different minerals that your body needs to take in daily. These include calcium and iron. Calcium is used to maintain bone strength. Foods that contain calcium are dairy products, canned salmon and sardines, leafy green vegetables and calcium fortified foods. Iron helps the body to take in more oxygen into the muscles. The iron helps blood flow through the body, allowing it to flow into the lungs. Foods rich in iron are meat, tuna eggs, beans, baked potatoes, dried fruits leafy green and whole and enriched grains.

Diet is very good for athletes because it can give them the nutrients they need to perform in sport. However certain diets can be bad because it can cause your body damage if the body takes in food that they haven’t had for a while. One good example of this would be a marathon runner. Each day marathon runners need to have pasta and water to keep themselves hydrated and get more protein into their muscles. A bad diet for performers would be if they were eating large amounts of fats such as chips and chocolate. Athletes would not be gaining the right nutrients their body needs to compete in sport.

Sleep patterns

Sleep patterns can vary in age as younger people may need up to eight hours of sleep whereas older people would need less. But for an athlete they may need extra time for rest as this will allow your muscles to rest for the next day of training. If an athletes sleep patterns are not balanced then the positive effects will not be shown. For example if an marathon runner slept for less time during the night before a race, his muscles my feel more tired and the marathon runner might not be able to complete the whole race. Giving certain sleep patterns to athletes is important because it can make them less tired and their reactions faster. However it can be bad for athletes because they may not stick to their time period and will feel tired for the next day of their performance. Sleep patterns can be affected during sleep because the athlete may be anxious for the next day of a tournament. The athlete may even get up and stop the repair of their muscles. During the morning the athlete may ache and may not be able to compete in the next day of the tournament. In some tests it is shown that if athletes had longer sleep then they will be able to perform better in the sport they are participating in. This has been shown by an experiment in America showing that tennis players can place the ball in better places if they had ten hours sleep.


Culture can affect sports because their religion forbids them from playing in the sport. For example if a woman was Muslim and wanted to play badminton, their religion wouldn’t allow them because they have to wear certain clothing most of the time. However some cultures have created clothing that they can wear in sport and still follow their religion. This means that they can compete in sports such as badminton. However this can be bad because some cultures do not allow any of their followers to perform in sport, even if they are very good at something such as running or football. In some cultures they create a variety of different sports so that they can compete in them instead of competing in tennis. But in countries like Africa, sporting enthusiasts go to bring different sports to their country. When the world cup was staged at South Africa in 2010, they promoted football to everyone in Africa to get them playing football. In football cultures can change because they may be able to play sport in another country.

Easy Ways to Prevent Acne Using Household Items

Easy Ways to Prevent Acne Using Household Items

Acne and pimples are not only devastating for the skin but also for the mind. It causes physical discomfort and also psychological pressure on the person. A vibrant and glowing skin is desirable in people of all the ages and gender. The reason behind the popping up of acne is the impurities, dead cells and oil from the sebaceous glands which blocks the pore of the skin. This leads to secretion of sebum from the glands present beneath the skin and skin becomes prone to infection. The affected area swells and itching, swelling and redness follow. The best way to keep the skin acne free is to keep it clean. There are other reasons as well which results in acne like hormonal imbalance, hereditary factors and even side effects of some medication.
Healthy diet, exercise and a lot of water may also help in having a glowing skin free of acnes and pimple. There are many natural and home remedies present which can make our skin acne free. We can prevent acne using the common household items. Following is the list if items which are present in our homes and can help in preventing acne.
  1. Aloe vera- It has been used for its therapeutic value from ancient times. It can be taken externally as well as internally. Scrubbing a piece of aloe vera on the affected area can help in repairing the damaged skin.
  2. Baking soda –It exfoliates the skin and cleans the impurities from the skin. It contains sodium bicarbonate which helps in treating acne. Apply baking soda on the affected area by making a paste with hot water. It helps to open up the clogged pores of the skin.
  3. Oatmeal –Oatmeal are good for health of the body and the skin as well. A paste of oatmeal with warm water and honey helps in opening up the pores of the skin. It removes the dead skin cells from the face.
  4. Toothpaste – Present in every home and can help in drying out the acne overnight. It is a homeopathic treatment for the acne.
  5. Almond oil and powder – it can be mixed with milk and used regularly in face packs. It nourishes the skin.
  6. Lemon juice – It has the power to control the oil of the skin and hence is an important ingredient in many skin products. It cleanse and freshen ups the skin.
  7. Neem can work wonders for an acne prone skin. It has been used for its medicinal value since ancient times. Applying crushed neem leaves with turmeric powder is an effective way to treat acnes. This method has worked for a large number of people.
  8. Garlic has an anti-fungal property which can help in treating acne. Application of fresh garlic juice on the affected area will help in reducing the acne. Make sure you don’t leave the juice for overnight. It can harm your skin.
  9. Apply ripe tomato pulp on the affected area also helps in treating acne.
  10. Tea tree oil – it contains natural anti-biotic property which helps in fighting with the acne. Damp the cotton with the oil and apply it on the affected area. It should be done regularly to shrink the active acne.
Besides the above given remedies always make sure that you sleep without any makeup on the face. Cleanse your face twice daily but do not overdo it as excess cleaning can dry the skin. Avoid putting your hand and hairs on the affected area. Change your pillow covers daily especially if you sleep on your stomach. It can lead to outbreak of the acne. Most people don’t realize this while they are busy looking for cures for acne. As your body needs nutrition so does your skin. Nourish your skin with natural products and get a glowing skin.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Psychological factors of healthy sportsmen

Psychological factors of healthy sportsmen

There are 5 different types of psychological factors that can affect performance in sport. The 5 different types are anxiety, motivation, personality, concentration and arousal.


Anxiety is a state of uneasiness and apprehension. Anxiety in sports is when athletes believe that they may not be able to perform at their best ability. Anxiety is something that makes an athlete worried before a match, making them think that they cannot perform to the best of their abilities. There are many different ways in which to cope with anxiety. Coaches may use verbal reassurance to help players calm down before a sporting activity. For example a football manager may have a team talk before a final to get them pumped up for the match. They may also take an athlete to have a one on one session to make that player feel motivated. The coaches may also ensure success by telling the athlete that they are going to win to get them in the right frame of mind. Athlete may also need to be relaxed before going out to perform in a sport. Physiotherapists may help to calm down muscles in the athletes body to make sure they don’t start shaking. All athletes need to think positive to perform well. If they are in the wrong frame of mind then they will think they won’t perform well. Most athletes may feel anxious before they perform. This will put them in the wrong frame of mind. This is why coaches need to calm and talk to their players to make sure they perform to their best of the ability. Athletes will imagine the end product of their performance. For example, football players will imagine themselves scoring a goal. This will make them perform better so that they can imagine themselves playing better. A football player would also have a mental rehearsal. For example before Cristiano Ronaldo takes a free kick, he would go through his mind each step before he kicks the ball. Firstly he would work out which position he would get himself into. At this moment the whole crowd will be cheering, making himself motivated. He will then finally run and kick the ball in the right place to score the goal. All players may become anxious before they perform. To make them feel better about themselves they may get their coach or manager to give them a before game talk. I feel that the most effective would be when the coach talks to their players to calm them down. This is important because it will make players feel calm and make them want to perform to the best of their ability. The best time to get rid of a player’s anxiety would be before a game/ contest. All coaches will need to give motivational speeches or one on one talks. In all sporting situations, players will feel motivated to work hard when their coach gives them motivational speeches. An example of this would be when a manager is talking to all of their players. Like José Mourinho, he always uses psychological factors to build up his players abilities.


A definition of motivation is when you push yourself or get pushed to do something. Motivation is the driving force in sport, this can leaded to addiction to a sport; also this can give drive and desire to win. Intrinsic motivation satisfaction is when you love to play the sport and you always and think about the sport. On the other hand extrinsic motivation is where you gain money, prises and trophies which this drives you do it more because you win and do well in the sport. Extrinsic don’t always work because you may be at the bottom of the leader board at golf and you think what’s the point in trying because, their no chance in getting to the top. Tangible links with Extrinsic because it s to do with holding something that’s given to you buy someone else for example trophies. Non-tangible rewards including positive comment, recognition, glory & status. The more motivated you are, the more chance you have of succeeding. The less motivated you are, the less chance you have of winning. Motivation will always help athletes because it will make them feel that they can win. I feel that intrinsic motivation is the more effective because it gives you motivation just to play in the sport. Extrinsic is less effective because it makes you just want to win the trophy/ prises. An example of this may be in football because many footballers just think about winning trophies whereas players such as Lionel Messi want to play just because they love the game of football.


The effect on sport is that your arousal levels different depending on what outcome you are willing to achieve. If your arousal levels are high, then you will be more motivated to win and if you win it will increase the meaning of that win. If your arousal levels are low then it means that you are more likely to not perform as you normally can.Arousal is when you become excited or alert at the beginning of the sport. Many athletes will become aroused just before they enter a stadium, pitch etc. The signs of arousal are sweaty palms, nervousness, shaky, your heartbeat and heartbeat may increase may speed up, your mouth may get dry and you may even start to feel ill. Your level of arousal will affect your performance. For example, a tennis player may get sweaty palms before they start playing because they will be aroused by everyone in the stadium watching them.

This graph shows the optimum arousal level in sporting athletes. This graph will go up just before a match/event and will eventually go down will playing in your sport. This graph is also known as the inverted ‘U’ hypothesis.
The graph below shows the drive theory. As arousal increases, so does the performance levels. However, the performance levels will only go up to moderate levels. The drive theory is different with other athletes because it may not work with more unknown athletes. The drive theory is if a player becomes aroused then they would perform better. The characteristics of high arousal would be fans chanting in a stadium for example football. A coach would treat their team with the inverted U because they need to make their players feel that they can win the game/event. An example of low arousal to some players would be if fans were booing you in the stadium. However in some sports such as boxing, competitors sometimes take the booing and this would make them more psyched up. All players will have different types of personality. For example with Liverpool football club was playing poorly at the beginning of the season. Once Kenny Dalglish came in he raised the arousal levels of players, making them want to play better. This example is good because this proves that not all performers follow these arousal levels.


Personality is an individual’s personal behaviour to certain sports. Researchers have created a scale to find out what levels of personality each performer has. This scale is extroversion- introversion. Extroversion means that they seek social situations and enjoys excitement, but they lack concentration. Introversion is the opposite and they are very good at concentrating. Another scale is stable- neurotic. Stable means that they don’t swing form one emotion to another. Neurotic means that they are anxious and they may have unpredictable emotions. An example of different personalities would be that an athletics runner would be introversion whereas a football player would be extroversion. The personality of a performer is important because it will depend on how they perform in a game or match. Some performers change their personalities during sports when the crowd cheer for them. It makes them act out and makes them excited to be performing. Like arousal, the personality can change in a player. For example Tiger Woods was the world number 1 golfer. After his divorce, his personality has changed and he hasn’t been performing to the best of his ability. However all of his fans are waiting for him to once again become a better player. Personality is a major factor in sports because it can change in certain players. All players have different personalities and they perform to their abilities. Personalities do change in sport when a performer wins something.


Concentration is the mental quality to focus on the task in hand. If the athlete lacks concentration then their athletic abilities will not be effectively or efficient. Many sporting athletes need to be concentrated during sports to be better in sports. A performer’s ability depends on their experience, either in performance or training. When performing, you need to make sense of what your about to do and decide on the best action to take. All irrelevant information has to be discarded, leaving all relevant information in. if you don’t make sense of something, then you may hinder your decision and maybe do something wrong. In concentration you have a limited capacity which means that you can only handle one thing. Too much information will hinder the sports performer and make them become anxious. To have better concentration, athletes will have a certain training to improve on their efficiency. With more practise, their skill will become like second nature. Experienced players perform skills automatically. This means that they will be able to attend to other information. A good example of high concentration in a performer would be Lionel Messi. He always knows which skill he needs to perform next to create a goal scoring chance or pass. Concentration is important because it can make or break a performer. Selective attention is when a performer is waiting for a stimulus. For example a gun going off to start a race. Something that can affect this would be the fans cheering in the crowds because performers may not be able to hear the gun going off.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

lose weight fast 2012

Crash diet is being one of the things that most people perform when they lower up about his / her particular quest regarding how to slim down quick. Just about practically most you should carry out is cut down how much food that you simply eat and you'll lose weight.
By just going on a crash diet plan will surely slowing down the metabolism, which makes it difficult to slim down fast.
When you begin doing the appropriate things, losing weight fast is very easy once you stick to the appropriate principles.
  • Take the precautions to leave out Junk foods from your diet.
Junk foods will certainly make the procedure of reducing your weight harder and you will be insuring which you keep over-weight for the relaxation you will ever have. Being a guideline when something includes a great deal of packaging then it is a lot greater than probable really practiced and can be looked at junk food. Items like white Irish potato snacks, candy products, frozen food, pizzas and also fries, are regarded as junk food and cannot support a person lose weight quick.
Search for meals in which don't have much packaging in the least, and therefore are marketed as a natural food. Seem consists of these kinds of seeking foods because the principal staple of one's diet plan, inside your quest about how to slim down quick.
  • 30 minutes morning exercise should be included in the routine.
You need to begin working out for around half-hour morning exercise. This will help you to burn calories more quickly and you will be properly on your own way to obtaining for your ideal weight. When you’re wondering how you can lose weight, after that this is one of the principal things that you ought to carry out, as well as should you ignore this particular help you will think it is challenging to accomplish the objectives of lose weight fast.
Half-hour easy exercise daily is a lot more compared to enough, and you will end up rapidly getting significantly complement as well as more healthy compared to in the past, as well as dropping the weight in a directly forward style. It doesn’t must end up being challenging, simply take action which you like and also that you simply won’t acquire bored.
Try cycling by using a stationary exercise bike 30 minutes a day, or perhaps choosing a steady run (Jogging) in your local park. Maintaining it simple and performing it regularly will assure that you start to move towards your own lose weight objectives.
  • Make an ideal impression of your Personality in your mind.
Your own attitude is probably the most significant tools throughout having your body for the wanted fat. Usually don’t to underestimate the effectiveness of your own thoughts, as it is actually affect numerous glands in our brain that all possess a direct consequence on your own final result.
A single great situation you could commence doing at this time, in order to lose weight quickly, will be to start spending 15 minutes viewing how you would like to look really simply in your brain. Imaging properly like this inside your brain, may communicate with the unconscious, which may assist to change your self-image.

Friday, July 27, 2012

lose weight tips 2012

Losing weight fast and easy is a dream of many, but many people lack sufficient time for vigorous exercises, or limited diet programs. Therefore they look for easy weight loss methods that are easy, secure and comfortable.
  • Eat at least two apples a day.
You can eat the apple before lunch/dinner or eat it as snacks. It can make a big variation in your weight. People who have tried to get rid of their old habits and learn new improved habits have a greater possibility of success.
Apples fill your stomach quicker since it contains pectin. Pectin makes you feel full and you will also bear that feeling for a longer time and second thing about apples is that they are very low in calories. Munching on apples can fulfill your hunger pangs without placing too many calories in the system.
Next replacement is you can alternative that with bananas, cucumber, and carrots etc. as snack. The result can be the fastest lose weight to suit your needs.
  • Take as much salad as you can in your lunch and dinner.
You have to start consuming salad in its raw form. The only real replacements the dressing of salad can be with some vinegar, organic coconut oil or lemon juice. Your body will be giving more energy on digesting these salads, so you’ll be losing weight like never before if you start eating a couple of salads without traditional dressings daily.
  • Increase the number of times you eat during the day.
Rather than eating two large meals, you need to eat four or five small meals. This will keep you from overeating at each meal and also in addition increase your metabolism to help burn excess fat. Once you get habituate with this habit it will be simpler for you. But remember that the small meals have to consist of healthy foods and not higher oily junk food items.
Water has zero calories and no carbohydrates and little sodium, which make it the ideal slim-down drink. And it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as increases your metabolic process. If it's not comfortable, include lemon wedges or mint leaves. So if you cannot live without a cold drink, replace soda with fresh pure lemon juice.
Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before your meal. This way you will not be dissolving stomach juice you need for a correct digestive function, and you will be capable to accept the edge off your hunger.

Our bodies don’t measure that they’re full and satisfied for 15-30 minutes after we take meal. Eating slowly will assure you’re not over-stuffing the actual required. Our saliva contains enzymes that help break the food down while we are still eating, so the more thorough you are when eating, the more necessary nutrients you will be able to get out of the food you are eating. Try chewing each item for 6-9 times before swallowing and see the difference — not merely you will feel satisfied quickly, you will also have better digestion as well as a better way out to lose weight.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

health tips: what are essential fatty acids & its uses

Essential Fatty Acids

What are essential fatty acids?
Essential fatty acids are substances that the body requires to maintain optimal health and they are generally known as ‘good fats’.

There are two kinds of essential fatty acids, the first is alpha-linolenic acid which relates to omega 3 fatty acids, and the second is linoleic acid which relates to omega 6 fatty acids. Both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are required for a healthy mind and body. The human body cannot manufacture essential fatty acids so they have to be ingested through our diets, or by taking supplements.

Why do we need them?
Essential fatty acids are just that ‘essential’ for our health. They essentially counteract some of the damage done by what are known as ‘bad fats’ and provide many benefits for the whole body.

Essential fatty acids are scientifically known to support the reproductive, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems which are vital for our body’s well being. Without them, we would not be as healthy and might encounter problems with our circulation, heart, memory and immune system.

What do they do for us?
Essential fatty acids which mainly comprise of omega 3 and omega 6, have been proven over numerous studies in recent years to have major health benefits. These include:

·    Reduction in heart failure and disease – medical research has shown that those who have a good balance of omega 3 and omega 6 in their diets are less likely to have heart related problems.
·    Anti-aging benefits– both omega 3 and omega 6 are known to boost the circulation which stimulates cell regeneration. This regeneration means that old and dead skin cells are shed to reveal the newer cells underneath – effectively making skin look younger.
·    Mood enhancement – essential fatty acids play an important role in the development of the mind and have a positive affect on your mood. Research shows that those with a balanced diet of omega 3 and omega 6 are also less likely to suffer from depression.
·    Brain development – scientific studies have shown that essential fatty acids boost cognitive development so are good for your mind as well as your body.
·    Growth – omega 3 and omega 6 are essential for the growth of both body and mind in children. Babies in the womb and those who are breast fed, get their essential fatty acids from their mother, whilst older children get them from their diets.
·    Reduction in age-related macular degeneration – this condition is a gradual blindness which is associated with the aging process. Research shows that essential fatty acids reduce the chances of developing this condition.
·    Cancer prevention – essential fatty acids have been linked to prevention against certain types of cancer.
·    Maintaining a healthy weight – research has shown that a balanced diet which includes omega 3 and omega 6 helps regulate the body’s weight.
·    Detoxifying properties – essential fatty acids help cells to obtain nutrition and drive out harmful waste products, effectively detoxifying the body on a cell level.

How do we get them?
Now you are aware of the health benefits of essential fatty acids in the diet, you need to know how you can get them. There are two main ways; food and supplements.

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in a variety of vegetable and seed oils, as well as in cold water fish. High concentrations of this essential fatty acid can be found in soybeans and soybean oil, rapeseed oil, the seeds in kiwifruits, walnuts and walnut oil, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil, salmon, halibut, tuna and herrings.

Omega 6 fatty acids can also be found in some vegetable and seed oils but also in some other items. Differing concentrations can be found in baked products such as wholegrain bread, some cereals, nuts, poultry and eggs.

Essential fatty acids can also be found in the green leaves of broadleaf plants but you don’t have to directly eat these to obtain the fatty acids. They are often consumed by animals and in turn by eating these animals, you are also ingesting the essential fatty acids they contain.

Due to various foods having differing amounts of essential fatty acids, it can be difficult to determine if your diet has the correct balance. There are a number of symptoms which could indicate a deficiency in essential fatty acids which include tiredness, mood swings or depression, poor memory, dry skin and poor circulation.

Supplements can offer a simple solution to essential fatty acid intake. Omega 3 is usually found in fish oil supplements such as cod liver oil. Omega 6 can also be found in fish oil supplements, as well as in starflower and flax supplements.

health tips: what are omega 3 fatty acids and its uses

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

What Are Omega 3 Fatty Acids?
Omega 3 fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids and are required for a healthy body, as well as a healthy mind. Over recent years, numerous studies have been conducted relating to Omega 3 fatty acids and they are known to have many health benefits which include:

·    Reduction in heart failure and disease – omega 3 fatty acids aid the circulation and studies have shown that those who have a high concentration of this fatty acid in their diet are less likely to get heart related problems.
·    Combating depression – omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in the development of the mind and can have a positive affect on your mood. Research shows that those who live in countries where the diet is rich in this fatty acid, are less likely to suffer from bouts of depression.
·    Enhanced brain function – scientific studies have shown that babies whose mothers ate a rich omega 3 diet had faster cognitive development than their peers.
·    Reduction in age-related macular degeneration – this condition is a gradual blindness which is associated with the aging process. Omega 3 fatty acids have been clinically proven to reduce the chances of macular degeneration.
·    Reduces inflammation – further research has shown that a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids reduces the risk of inflammation.
·    Cancer prevention – omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to prevention against certain types of cancer including colon cancer.

Sometimes it’s difficult to know if you are getting enough omega 3, but your body will give you signs if your diet is deficient. The symptoms of an omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include excessive tiredness, a poor short term memory, mood swings or depression, poor circulation, heart related problems and dry skin.

How Do You Get Them?
The body cannot make Omega 3 fatty acids itself so you have to get them through your diet. This can either be through the food you eat, or through supplements.

What Foods Contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids?
A number of foods contain omega 3 fatty acids. The primary source is in fatty, carnivorous fish which have omega 3 fatty acids in high concentrations. These are typically cold water fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and tuna but it can also be found in halibut and sardines too. Other seafood can also contain omega 3 fatty acids including various types of algae and krill, which are small shrimp-like crustaceans.

Omega 3 fatty acids can also be found in various nuts, seeds and associated oils including  soybeans, soybean oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and walnut oil.

Do Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements Work?
Omega 3 fatty acids can be bought in capsule format. The benefit of supplements is that you know exactly how much you are taking instead of trying to work out which foods contain which amounts of the essential fatty acids.

Medical practitioners recommend 3 grams per day of omega 3 fatty acids. As different capsules are different strengths, check the label to confirm how many capsules you should take. The supplements work cumulatively so it can take two to three weeks to see the effects on both your mind and body.

There can be some mild side-affects whilst taking omega 3 supplements, or eating food high in this essential fatty acid. Side-affects can include trapped wind, bloating, burping and occasionally diarrhoea. However these side-affects can be reduced or avoided by opting for a time-released capsule.

Why Are The Supplements Good For Anti-Aging?
Omega 3 supplements have a number of anti-aging benefits including:

·    Delayed or reduced vision loss – as discussed previously age-related macular degeneration is a blindness associated with the aging process. The use of supplements can combat this condition and keep your eyes in good health.
·    Boosting circulation – an increase in the circulation means that cell regeneration is stimulated. This results in older, damaged skin cells being shed whilst the fresher, younger looking skin is revealed.
·    Increasing cognitive capabilities - omega 3 fatty acids can enhance brain function and reduce memory loss leading to a more youthful mind as well as body.
·    Combats inflammation – arthritis is caused by inflammation which can make joints painful. Omega 3 fatty acids combat inflammation so can help keep joints supple.

So what are you waiting for? Combat the signs of aging by altering your diet to incorporate the foods rich in omega 3, or by adding a suitable supplement to your diet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

yoga exercises for health and weight loss

Exercise: A Gentle Approach - Yoga & Pilates

Exercise is believed to make you stay more youthful for longer. This is due to a number of factors. The first is that when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which make the mind feel happy. The saying ‘you’re only as old as you feel’ does ring true as it’s believed that a positive mental attitude and a healthy outlook on life leads to a more youthful appearance.

Secondly, exercise helps strengthen the body which also helps it stay youthful for longer. At the age of thirty, body functions start to deteriorate by approximately 2% per year but by undertaking regular exercise, this figure is reduced to less than 1% per year.

Exercise can take a number of forms from walking to jogging, horse riding to roller-skating, pumping iron to cycling. But for those who don’t want to undertake such a vigorous exercise regime, there are now ways of following a more gentle approach through Yoga and Pilates.

Yoga is traditionally a mental and physical discipline that was practised by Hindus in India. However over the last few years it has become a very popular form of exercise in the UK. There are several different forms of Yoga all are based on control and uniting the body, mind and spirit.

Different people practice Yoga for different reasons but generally the benefits of Yoga can be separated into two defined areas: physiological and psychological.

Physiological benefits include:
A decrease in pulse rate which helps to calm the body.
A decrease in the respiratory rate also helps calm the body whilst allowing a more efficient oxygen supply as deeper breaths are taken.
Blood pressure decreases which helps to minimise the risk of heart related problems.
There is an increase in the efficiency of the cardiovascular system which also reduces the risk of heart related problems.
Gastrointestinal functions normalise enabling digestion to be done more easily.
Excretory functions improve which helps to rid the body of waste more easily.
There is an increased joint and flexibility range allowing more movement.
Grip strength increases which leads to toned muscles.
There is an improvement in hand-eye coordination.
Reaction times can be reduced which is beneficial for other aspects of life.
There is an improvement in general posture which reduces the risk of back problems.
There is an increase in overall body strength which helps to keep the body more youthful.
There is an increase in your endurance levels.
There is an increase in your energy levels which help in your general day to day life.
Sleep is often improved which allows for better cell regeneration.
There is an improvement in the immune system helping you stay healthy.
There is an overall improvement in balance which is helpful in counteracting the aging process in the body.
It allows body parts to function together as a whole.
Psychological benefits include:
There is an improvement in your mood and subjective well-being.
There is an increase in self-acceptance and self-actualisation.
You will experience a decrease in anxiety and depression
You will experience a decrease in hostility towards others and situations
There is an improvement in both short and long term memory
It leads to a better level of concentration.

Pilates was developed in Germany in the 20th century and, along with Yoga, has become very popular in the UK over the last few years as it is a gentle exercise that can be done at any age and with any physical ability.

Pilates is based around eight basic principles which are:
1. Alignment – having the correct postural alignment means that exercise is more efficient with less risk of injury.
2. Breathing – ensures that oxygen is supplied to all areas of the body. In Pilates breathing is to be done with control and precision.
3. Centering – involves making the muscles of the ‘powerhouse’ which encompasses the abdomen, lower back, hips and buttocks, work together and more efficiently.
4. Control – this relates to the overall muscle control in the body which is achieved through Pilates.
5. Precision – every movement in Pilates has a purpose and has to be precise.
6. Flow of movement – all movements undertaken are supposed to be continuous and blend into each other as oppose to stopping and starting.
7. Flexibility – one of the aims of Pilates is to provide flexibility to the body.

The benefits of Pilates are very similar to those of Yoga but are less focussed on the psychological elements and more on the physical elements.

Both Pilates and Yoga also have a number of other benefits which include:
Less risk of injury compared to more rigorous sports
Less calories are consumed during the exercises so you don’t have to alter your diet to compensate.
There is no particular equipment required, except the option of a mat which means there is no investment required.
Both Yoga and Pilates can be done virtually anywhere.
Neither are competitive so do not bring extra stress or pressure to outperform others.
Neither Yoga or Pilates leave you tired in fact leave you energised due to the breathing techniques practised.

Whichever you choose, both Yoga and Pilates will have a positive effect on your health and general wellbeing.

Nutrition for Healthy living and weight loss

Before you jump on the bandwagon of healthy eating, you need to understand a few minute details. Reading these details will make your effort less of a fight and more of an interesting activity. You are going to love it for sure! Read on to discover the most motivating path to healthy living.
Each game has some rules, and healthy eating is no different from any of the other games that you have played.  So what are the rules of this game?
Rules for Eating Healthy
This game has a set of seven main rules which can make you a winner. And you know what? They are really very simple and easy to follow.

Rule # 1 Watch Your Portions
Each game restricts you with certain limitations, right? You can’t just have everything. No, no, we’re not asking you to forget all the chocolates, cookies, doughnuts, ice creams and other goodies that you can’t even imagine living without. All you have to do is to limit their intake. You have to watch the serving size of each meal that you eat. Reducing the serving portion keeps you fit in your clothes comfortably. You will not have to buy another pair of jeans every month. Keep reminding yourself to eat everything, but in small bites.

Rule # 2 Eat Four to Six Small Meals in a Day
Does that provide any relief? Phew! Watch your food portion and you can now eat at least four to six meals in a day instead of the traditional three meals a day. Research shows that three meals a day bring hunger pangs frequently. So why give in to cravings and finish that jumbo size potato chips bag in one go? Eat when you feel hungry, but do watch the size of what you are eating.

Rule # 3 Eat Protein at Each Meal and Snacks
Don’t just indulge in the large ice cream box that you have purchased to eat in your breaks. Make some healthy choices. Cut down sugar and add more protein to your diet. Proteins keep you fueled through out the day. They provide the energy that your body needs to function actively. On the other hand, sugar suppresses your immune system, upsets the mineral relationships in your body and causes hyperactivity or anxiety. It can provide an immediate satisfaction to your hunger pangs, but it will leave you feeling hungry again soon. Do you still want to eat sugary treats? Stop. Choose protein as an alternate and stay energized.

Rule # 4 Eat Veggies and Eat More Veggies
Perhaps you have heard your nutrition counselor say this repetitively on each visit. This only re-emphasizes that those bright colored veggies which you avoid are actually good for your health. Broccoli, spinach, and other vegetables may not taste yummy, but think about the nutrients that they contain. Vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, all of which are essential for growth, and the repair and maintenance of your body. When you add veggies to your diet, you get a variety of health benefits. You have lower levels of cholesterol and a healthy weight.
Eating vegetables guarantees strength, energy and a healthy life which includes minimal chances of heart diseases, strokes, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses.
Yet that isn’t all. Replace processed food with fresh vegetables, and you will notice clearer skin, brighter eyes, shinier hair and stronger teeth.

Rule # 5 Drink Your Water
The human body is made up of 60 percent water. Your body gets dehydrated by the various functions that it is required to perform. Can’t believe it? Well, your lungs expel approximately two to four cups of water each day through normal breathing. If you sweat a lot,  you will end up losing more water, and that needs to be replenished because joints need to remain lubricated and your kidneys need clean water to function properly.
When your body is dehydrated, you feel tired and dull. Sometimes, you wrongly interpret it as a sign of hunger. Instead of eating, you should be paying attention to how many glasses you are drinking in a day.
Drinking adequate amounts of water can drastically increase your energy level, sharpen your mental and physical performance, improve your skin’s texture and reduce wrinkles. It also fosters weight loss. What more do you want? So, whether you are working or just watching television, always keep a bottle or glass of water near you.

Rule # 6 Plan Success in Advance
Has anyone ever accomplished success without planning it? No. In any challenge, your opponent is always planning in his head what his next move is going to be. Though you don’t have any visible opponents in this case, you are fighting your own whims. And it is very easy to fail when facing them.
So, in order to make sure that your efforts don’t go to waste, you will have to do some prior planning. Before stepping in the kitchen to grab any food that can satisfy your hunger, plan what you must eat. List down your food choices a night earlier, search on the Internet for delicious recipes, and head on to the kitchen the next morning.
Planning ahead makes it easier for you to follow a healthy routine and also fit in those delicious small bites of your favorite foods that you are required to eat in petite proportions.

Rule # 7 Stay Away from Fast Food / Convenient Foods
Those great combo deals at your favorite food franchise are tempting, right? But, hey! What about the weight watch? Doesn’t your weighing scale haunt you? Stay away from fast foods and convenience foods; they are the main culprit behind your increasing waist line.
Most fast food chains and convenience food offer discounts, and food lovers fall for these offers. But what you don’t know or realize is that you are paying less at their counters and at the same time increasing your medical bill. One of the reasons of high cholesterol levels is oil. You know, your favorite burger will not taste as tasty as it does if it was not dipped in oil.
Be conscious about the choices you make as your health is more important!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Weight loss

Weight loss

Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, we are probably taking in the same amount of calories that we burn each day. If we're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that our caloric intake is greater than the number of calories we burn through our daily activities.
By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control, we can eat nutritious foods so that we take in as many calories as we need to maintain our health and well-being at our ideal weight. Often, weight loss occurs on its own simply when we start making better food choices, such as avoiding
  • processed foods,

  • sugar-laden foods,

  • white bread and pasta (substitute whole-grain varieties instead),

  • foods with a high percentage of calories from fat,

  • and alcoholic drinks.

We should drink six to eight glasses of water a day.Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic.Taken before meals,it dulls the appetite by giving us that ‘full feeling.”
Over 90% of people who exercise consistently, exercise in the morning. If we want to exercise consistently, odds are in our favor if we exercise first thing in the morning.

When we exercise early in the morning, it "jump starts" our metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! That means we're burning more calories all day long just because we exercised in the morning!
Weight fluctuations are normal, and they happen to everybody. They can be caused by many different factors, such as consumption of a big meal, excess salt intake, water retention, constipation and hormonal changes.
Weight fluctuations can result in a temporary weight increase of up to 5 pounds a day. It takes some time for our digestive system to process the food, fluids and salt that we consume, and the substances that are still being processed will contribute to our weight. If we had a big dinner the previous evening, our weight will still be up in the morning if we have not had a bowel movement. This is especially so if we consumed foods that contain a lot of sodium. Even if we had eaten more than we should, our true body weight should not increase significantly overnight.
One way to prevent stress that results from weight fluctuations is to refrain from weighing ourself daily. Weigh ourself once a week, and do this without wearing clothes and shoes, which can add one or two pounds to the scale. Try to weigh ourself after we have emptied our bowels in the morning. If we find that our weight is still fluctuating when we weigh once a week, we should drink a lot of water to reduce the amount of sodium in our body. Then, weigh ourself again in the next two mornings. If the results are still elevated, we may have to reassess our diet and exercise programs to make sure that we are not consuming more calories than we are burning.
We should remember, weight loss doesn't always mean fat loss. A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions.  Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage.  The following table describes body fat ranges and their associated categories:
Classification Women (% fat) Men (% fat)
Essential Fat 10-12% 2-4%
Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
Obese 32% plus 25% plus

Laxatives come in many forms — tablets, powder, syrups, and drinks. Their goal is to stimulate the bowels. Diuretics, often pills, are meant to remove water from the body and are prescribed for, among other problems, high blood pressure.
The truth is, laxatives are not an effective weight-loss tool, and the effects of diuretics are only temporary. Laxatives stimulate the nerve endings in the colon (the large intestine), but by the time food has moved from the small intestines into the large intestine, its calories have already been absorbed. “Diuretics do remove fluid from the body, causing dehydration, and dehydration makes people feel thin,” Rago says. “However, a rebound effect occurs. After a certain period of time, the body swells and retains water to make up for the loss of moisture, and this makes a person feel fat. This is why diuretics are so addictive.”
We all know that proper accountability and teamwork are essential to accelerate any weight loss efforts.Here 7 tips for successful weight loss
1.The desire to lose weight must come from the individual.
2. Don't blame ourself if we aren't perfect.
3. Avoid surroundings where we know we're tempted to make poor food choices.
4. Surround ourself with people who support our efforts.
5. Decide on some nonfood rewards for ourself when we reach interim goals.
6. Stock our pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods.
7. Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture."