Saturday, November 9, 2013

ancient weight loss secrets

Ancient weight loss secrets

How To Live a healthy Life with ancient wisdom

"according to ancient lore Our predecessors lived a hundred and more years and had children even in that old age !

Many of you must be wondering , what wonderful secret these 
great men possessed that enabled them to live hundreds of years and  to have children at over a hundred years being still healthy and strong  

The secret to that was their food habits. They had a a very frugal diet of fruit and herbs, which was combined with  regular periods of fasting. This combination brings about perfect health and vitality and the regeneration of their youth. 

The ancients achieved perfect health and long life by: 

1. They lived in a warm climate. 
2. They had plenty of outdoor activity and exposure to sun. 
3. They drank pure uncontaminated water, ( they didnt have chemicals at that time). 
4. They Eate only natural foods. ( unnatural foods was unavailable in those ages )
5. Eating frugally and never over eating. they didnt have much to eat 

The body does two main jobs every day: the digestion of food and the renewal of 
itself. The moment the last morsel of food has been digested, and the stomach 
cleared, the body sets about renewing its old worn out cells and tissues and 
replacing them with new ones. In short the body is renewing its youth over and 
over. In today’s modern western society there is almost universal overeating. 
The body is overwhelmed with food and spends nearly all its time in the process of digestion. This leaves little or no time for renewal and regeneration. 
Decay and 'old age' therefore sets in. Most people are literally eating 
themselves into the grave. 

6. Eating food in its natural state i.e. raw food . 
7. Eating mostly alkaline forming (fruit and vegetables etc) rather than acid 
producing foods. 
Alkaline foods are basically regenerating while acid foods are degenerating. 
Note they did not eat cereals which, excluding millet and soya, are hightly 
8. Having fruit comprise the majority (60-75%) of the days food intake. 
9. Not eating meat or other flesh food. Meat is poison to the body 

10. Regular fasting. Fasting enables the body to cleanse the bloodstream of 
impurities and toxins. A polluted bloodstream leads to disease and 
degeneration. A pure bloodstream leads to good health and regenearation - and 
the maintenance of youth and vitality. 

11. Preserving the life force. The sex act was respected and practised solely in its sacred and intended form i.e. for the creation of children. 

Here then is the secret knowledge of the ancients that enabled  to live close on one thousand years. 

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