Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Easy Ways to Prevent Acne Using Household Items

Easy Ways to Prevent Acne Using Household Items

Acne and pimples are not only devastating for the skin but also for the mind. It causes physical discomfort and also psychological pressure on the person. A vibrant and glowing skin is desirable in people of all the ages and gender. The reason behind the popping up of acne is the impurities, dead cells and oil from the sebaceous glands which blocks the pore of the skin. This leads to secretion of sebum from the glands present beneath the skin and skin becomes prone to infection. The affected area swells and itching, swelling and redness follow. The best way to keep the skin acne free is to keep it clean. There are other reasons as well which results in acne like hormonal imbalance, hereditary factors and even side effects of some medication.
Healthy diet, exercise and a lot of water may also help in having a glowing skin free of acnes and pimple. There are many natural and home remedies present which can make our skin acne free. We can prevent acne using the common household items. Following is the list if items which are present in our homes and can help in preventing acne.
  1. Aloe vera- It has been used for its therapeutic value from ancient times. It can be taken externally as well as internally. Scrubbing a piece of aloe vera on the affected area can help in repairing the damaged skin.
  2. Baking soda –It exfoliates the skin and cleans the impurities from the skin. It contains sodium bicarbonate which helps in treating acne. Apply baking soda on the affected area by making a paste with hot water. It helps to open up the clogged pores of the skin.
  3. Oatmeal –Oatmeal are good for health of the body and the skin as well. A paste of oatmeal with warm water and honey helps in opening up the pores of the skin. It removes the dead skin cells from the face.
  4. Toothpaste – Present in every home and can help in drying out the acne overnight. It is a homeopathic treatment for the acne.
  5. Almond oil and powder – it can be mixed with milk and used regularly in face packs. It nourishes the skin.
  6. Lemon juice – It has the power to control the oil of the skin and hence is an important ingredient in many skin products. It cleanse and freshen ups the skin.
  7. Neem can work wonders for an acne prone skin. It has been used for its medicinal value since ancient times. Applying crushed neem leaves with turmeric powder is an effective way to treat acnes. This method has worked for a large number of people.
  8. Garlic has an anti-fungal property which can help in treating acne. Application of fresh garlic juice on the affected area will help in reducing the acne. Make sure you don’t leave the juice for overnight. It can harm your skin.
  9. Apply ripe tomato pulp on the affected area also helps in treating acne.
  10. Tea tree oil – it contains natural anti-biotic property which helps in fighting with the acne. Damp the cotton with the oil and apply it on the affected area. It should be done regularly to shrink the active acne.
Besides the above given remedies always make sure that you sleep without any makeup on the face. Cleanse your face twice daily but do not overdo it as excess cleaning can dry the skin. Avoid putting your hand and hairs on the affected area. Change your pillow covers daily especially if you sleep on your stomach. It can lead to outbreak of the acne. Most people don’t realize this while they are busy looking for cures for acne. As your body needs nutrition so does your skin. Nourish your skin with natural products and get a glowing skin.

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